Health Services for East County Communities

Southern Indian Health Council provides health and wellness services to Kumeyaay Nation and our surrounding communities.

Missing Person

Paula Connolly last seen at Jacumba Gas Station in Jacumba CA. Please share this post and call the number if you have any info (619) 213-4493

Our Mission

Southern Indian Health Council is a Native American organization committed to protecting and improving the physical, mental, and spiritual health of our American Indian community. We provide a comprehensive range of wellness, professional health care, dental, and social services.

SIHC Events

SIHC Resource Information

Quarterly Newsletter

ROAM Bus Schedule

Southern Indian Health Council, Inc. is honored to host several activities and events for the community with focus on community wellness, family health and wellbeing, and much more. We offer a full monthly calendar of activities and events, which highlight our commitment to wellness.

Patient Portal

Your Medical Home on the Web

With Patient Portal, you can connect with your doctor through a convenient, safe and secure environment.

The Latest Updates